Mprynt, Good Girl, and Jermey Isaac Will Sing Their Hearts Out At The TLA
Mprynt, Good Girl, and Jermey Isaac Will Sing Their Hearts Out At The TLA
MPrynt | photo via www.facebook.com/MPryntOnline
If there’s one thing that Philly has shown us in the past year, is that the local R&B scene is on the rise in a big way. Whether you’re listening to their music or watching them perform, Philly R&B singers show a plethora of potential and talent. On Thursday, March 5th, Philadelphia’s Mprynt, Good Girl and Jermey Isaac will be shutting the house down with their voices at the Theater of Living Arts and show why their city gave a start some of the greatest singers the world has every heard. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., for more information and to purchase tickets click here. Below, check out a sampling of the music that will be played at the TLA.