Robbie Casablanca and Sanity

For true hip hop fans, there’s nothing better than hearing a bunch of rappers take turns on the mic and give you some of the most mind-boggling verses that you’ve ever heard. Recently, Philadelphia MCs Robbie Casablanca and Sanity did just that on their new single “Level III.”

For almost four minutes, the two rappers took turns dropping verses that a majority of today’s hip hop fans aren’t accustomed to hearing. The beat is calm and it doesn’t overshadow the impact of the lyrics, which is good since Robbie Casablanca & Sanity did a hell of a job of making sure that their verses were so tight that listeners were either going to replay the song multiple times or so they can quote them (which is when you know that you’re a good writer).

Lines like “You claim you grown when I can see the kid in you like a ultrasound” and “With a pen in my palm I’ll rearrange your physical form” show that these two wordsmiths know how to leave a mark on the listener’s mind with a pen and a pad.

In naming their song “Level III,” it seems like both Rob and Sanity were sending a message to all MCs stating what level they were on, why they’re on that level, and why other MCs can’t get on their level. Even if that’s not the case, both Robbie Casablanca & Sanity did an amazing job on “Level III” and we await to hear more from the two MCs.

Below, check out the video  of “Level III.”