A still from Glitter’s Julie Andrews video

Art rock collective Glitter released a fresh new video yesterday for their single “JULIE ANDREWS” featuring paint, paper clips, old school rollerskating arenas and, yes, glitter itself. Utilizing distorted guitars, vintage synthesizers, and upbeat, snare-heavy percussion, Glitter’s early 90’s post-punk era influences are made very clear. The new music video directed by Jayme Guokas and Isaac Turner sews together footage of pulsing jellyfish, a vibrating glitter-infused woofer, and Icelandic landscapes to create a thematic, retro video collage.

But perhaps the most enjoyable (or for some, the most cringeworthy) shot is the recurring birds-eye view of a record player being attacked by pastel paints whilst spinning a record, creating trippy, kaleidoscopal designs in the paints. Check out their new music video for “JULIE ANDREWS” below and catch Glitter’s next show at The Fire on March 14th; for tickets and more information, consult the XPN Concert Calendar.

JULIE ANDREWS – Glitter from Jayme Guokas on Vimeo.