Elspeth Tremblay | via Facebook.com/ElspethTremblayMusicPage

Here’s a download from Philly-via-Australia singer-songerwriter Elspeth Tremblay.

In the comforting folksy track, aptly titled “Trouble Doesn’t Last,” she advises, “Shame’s overrated / So is guilt and self-blame / You need to be gentle and kind to yourself today.”

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Tremblay’s latest addition is her band, known as The Satellites; it’s made up of bassist Michele Lynn, cellist Desiree Haney and violinist Ryann Lynch, and they help her create a fresh, wide-ranging sound live.

Their first official show as “Elspeth Tremblay & the Satellites” is slated for April 3 at World Cafe Live at The Queen. Tickets are available here.

Watch them cover “Hammond Song” by The Roches below.