Folkadelphia Session: Jennifer Castle
Even after falling for her records, especially last year’s Pink City, and recording an in-studio session, Jennifer Castle remains just as mysterious to me. Suddenly you’re swept up by Castle’s songs, each full of magic, rich in color, timbre, and imagination. Then when it’s all over, you’re left, buzzing and tingling, remnants of songwriting stardust around, looking to start the journey anew.
Undoubtedly, Pink City, the latest release from Toronto-based singer-songwriter Jennifer Castle, is one of the great underheard albums from 2014. If you barely heard it or didn’t hear Pink City at all, that’s okay, these things can easily be corrected. You might start with our in-studio session, recorded as last summer wound down. In the muggy Philly climate, Castle acts as a welcome coolness – a breezy effortlessness attached to her playing style. Don’t let it fool you though, there’s mighty power and proficiency there.