Check out Birdie Busch’s artwork at the Random Tea Room on June 10th
Philly singer-songwriter Birdie Busch is taking a little break from making music – but don’t worry, only to express herself in a different way artistically. Birdie is showcasing her photography and artwork at the Random Tea Room and Curiosity Shop on June 10th. Her artwork is inspired by the Rabble Rousers Mummers Brigade, who famously took a jab at Comcast at this year’s parade. You can check out more info about the art show on the event’s Facebook page.
For those of you who are only in it for the music, no worries! Birdie’s friends Laura & the Killed Men will be playing a set as well. The Tucsun, AZ band is the project of classical singer-turned-folk-artist Laura Kepner-Adney featuring her backing band the Killed Men, also known as chamber punk group Sun Bones. The band just released a new EP titled One Bell, and you can check out more information about them, including a link to their music, on their website. You can check out Laura and the Killed Men’s video for “Secrets on a Postcard” below.