Alex G. | Photo by Carly McKown

Early last month emerging indie/psych rocker Alex G. released the first track off his much buzzed-about major label debut, Beach Music. Today he gave his growing fan base another hint at what his new release will sound like with the second single, “Salt.”

While “Bug” was largely what we have come to expect from the young indie artist, “Salt” removes the layered and sometimes frantic guitars and substitutes a hushed synth with heavy bass and a more percussive sound. Early in the track, Alex’s vocals also take a much more gentle, sultry approach than in previous recordings – though they eventually slide into the more into the higher-register sound we have some to expect. Check out “Salt” below.

Beach Music is set to come out on October 9 on Domino Records. Alex G. will play First Unitarian Church with Girlpool and Eskimeaux on November 14; tickets and more information on the show can be found at the XPN Concert Calendar.

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