Trophy Wife | via

It’s been a little while since we heard from Philly experimental rock duo Trophy Wife, but this week they dropped a great new two-song EP called Body Camera that’s filled with expressive guitar-drum compositions and meditative vocals. From the band:

Hey everyone!

We’ve been on a bit of a break, but we are happy to be able to bring you two brand new songs in the middle of it. We recorded these this past winter with our friend Dan Morse. “Body Camera” was written after Eric Garner was killed and after countless killings of unarmed people of color by police in this country. It’s our small statement of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and in pursuit of a better world. The other song is entitled “Where is North.” Please check them out if you are interested.

We’ll be back from our break soon enough, but wanted you to have something in the meantime.

If you’re a fan of incredible instrumental playing and thought-provoking lyrics, listen to the EP below, and follow Trophy Wife on Facebook for more.