Nothing | Photo by Matthew Shaver |
Nothing and Creepoid speak out against price-gouging label investor
As news began breaking earlier this week of Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli upping the cost of a crucial drug used in HIV/AIDS treatments to an astronomical amount, it was also discovered that he is an investor in Brooklyn-based hardcore / punk label Collect Records. That label houses Philly acts Nothing and Creepoid. Though Shkreli has since announced plans to lower the price of the drug “to a point that is more affordable and is able to allow the company to make a profit, but a very small profit,” the bands on Collect are now speaking out in shock and outrage over the events that are coming to light.
The Washington Post published an interview with Nothing frontman Nicky Palermo early this morning, in which Palermo denounces Shkreli for taking advantage of people in their most vulnerable moments:
“I’ve been a person who hasn’t had health insurance for pretty much my whole life since I was a kid,” Palermo said in a telephone interview with The Washington Post. “I’ve had broken bones. I’ve had to Super Glue my forehead shut when I hit myself with a guitar. I owe money to hospitals for things…. I just can’t spend that five years [working in the band] and then attach myself to someone who is doing what Martin is doing,”
Creepoid have also spoken out against the investor, posting on Facebook:
We would like to make one thing clear – we would never knowingly work with Martin Shkreli, or anybody willing to walk across the backs of the sick and dying with a smile on their face for the sake of making a profit. As long as Shkreli is involved with Collect Records, directly or indirectly, we cannot be.
The bands make it clear, though, that label found Geoff Rickly was unaware of his investor’s pharmaceutical decisions. From Nothing’s Facebook:
“[Rickly is] a great guy and he like me had, no idea what kind of monster was funding the label and soon to be album. And like he has helped me with my problems the past few months, I plan on helping him in anyway I can as well through this all.”
For the full details, read The Washington Post article here. Meanwhile, Creepoid are slated to play The Foundry on October 13th. Nothing have no local dates scheduled right now.