Saintseneda | Photo by Nick Fancher | via

Saintseneca just released the third single from its upcoming LP, Such Things. Streaming now at Paste as the magazine’s most recent Songs Illustrated feature, “Bad Ideas” opens with distorted guitars and compressed drums accompanying Zac Little’s gloomy vocals. The track dives right into the “doom and gloom” of ephemeral relationships, the driving beat and bassline mimicking the seemingly repetitive nature of these futile romances.

That’s not to say that these qualities make for an unenjoyable song; “Bad Ideas” is just a taste of the philosophical, existential, and spiritual nature of Saintseneca’s new record. The Columbus, Ohio quintet will be releasing Such Things on October 9th via ANTI-. Catch them in Philadelphia at Johnny Brenda’s the following night, October 10th; get tickets and more show information at the XPN Concert Calendar.

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