Madalean Gauze | Photo by Megan Lynch |

Philly’s Madalean Gauze is getting set to release her debut LP, Sing, this December. It’s a moody, haunting collection for the fall, and it was a long time coming – Gauze made it during a long process of recording and re-recording until she felt it was perfect. Hearing the title track for the first time, she tells us, “really made me feel like everything I went through since deciding to be a musician was worth it. All the nights playing in dark bars, the feeling of being ignored by the audience all the anxiety … The album Sing really pushed me. It made me completely broke, and I now live with my parents, but I am so proud of my work. I think that is all that matters in the end.”

Back in August, we featured Gauze on The Key Studio Sessions, and shot video of her and her live band – Pat Berkery on drums, Ross Bellenoit on Guitar, Todd Erk on bass – playing the rollicking rocker “Accumulations of Life” for VuHaus, a music video website produced in collaboration with a half-dozen public radio stations across the country. This week, Gauze got the Local Artist Spotlight over at VuHaus; watch “Accumulations of Life” below and download her Key Session here. Madalean plays her record release party at Boot and Saddle on December 17th; more information on the show can be found here.

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