Sonnder | photo via

Last month, local alt-rockers Sonnder took a delicate approach to their single-of-the-month entry “About Time,” favoring light guitar strumming and a focus on Ryan Weidman’s airy vocals. This month they decidedly and emphatically changed their style up on the newest installment, appropriately titled “New Direction” — which you can check out below.

Perhaps it is the changing seasons, the onslaught of an unseasonably cold September and the ever-shortening daylight that has Sonnder taking a much more unapologetic turn in “New Direction” than in previous singles. The track begins with a static hum before exploding into a fully abrasive rock song. It soon gives way to Weidman’s familiar vocals but retains the hard-hitting style throughout, making for much more head-banging we have come to expect form Sonnder.

You can check out the band and their many singles this Halloween at Boot & Saddle starting at 7 p.m. For more details on that show head over the XPN Concert Calendar.