
The Roots‘ second studio record, Do You Want More?!!!??!, turned 21 years old on October 24th. In celebration of the milestone, the band is re-releasing the record as a double LP on blue vinyl on November 20th. You can pre-order the reissue here.

A18 Intro / There’s Something Goin’ On
A19 Proceed
A20 Distortion To Static
A21 Mellow My Man
A22 I Remain Calm
B23 Datskat
B24 Lazy Afternoon
B25 ? Vs. Rahzel
B26 Do You Want More?!!!??!
C27 What Goes On Pt. 7
C28 Essaywhuman?!!!??!
C29 Swept Away
C30 You Ain’t Fly
D31 Silent Treatment