Photo by Rachel Del Sordo

Some people look forward to the holiday season with a fervent passion, excitedly counting the day till Christmas music begins to play round the clock on the station formerly known as B101, and some don’t. Something tells me that Cynthia G. Mason falls in the latter group, but she may have just made a song that will be perfect for those who approach the holiday season with same tepid skepticism as she does.

In May we talked to Mason about her return to music from a eight-year hiatus and discussed her new album and release show at World Cafe Live. With the help of one of her collaborators, Grey Reverend, Mason has a new song which she feels capture the uncertainty and “extreme ambivalence” that some experience during the holiday season.

The track, titled “What Forgiveness Will Allow” is sparse and intimate and captures moments in time often glossed over, all with a beautiful and subtle arrangement from Grey Reverend. Give the track a listen below and catch Mason’s performance at Milkboy Philly on December 2 with New Jersey’s Ben Hughes.