Listen to a new song by Jesse Hale Moore, “Holding A Sign”
Listen to a new song by Jesse Hale Moore, “Holding A Sign”
Jesse Hale Moore | Photo courtesy of the artist.
In early October, Philly based singer-songwriter Jesse Hale Moore released his exquisite debut song, the anthemic “Every Time”. Today, he releases the second new song, produced by Dave Hartley, bassist in The War On Drugs and leader of his own group, Nightlands.
“Holding A Sign,” like “Every Time,” showcases Moore’s soulful, impassioned vocals. It’s instrumentally sparse, yet intimate and warm. A slow, steady groove sits underneath the keyboards, as Moore’s voice sits out front of the mix as the harmonies build, and the melody tears at your heart. We’re digging Moore’s new kind of Quiet Storm.
Listen to “Holding A Sign” below.