Hardwork Movement | Photo by Zack Garlitos | courtesy of the artist
Listen to a love song from Hardwork Movement, see them Thursday at Kung Fu Necktie
Philly hip-hop four-piece Hardwork Movement has been on an impressive run of singles this fall, and it continues with “Spun.” It’s a love song, and on the surface you can read it as being about person-to-person love. Or it can also be a metaphor, like the way Black Thought famously personified hip-hop itself on “Act Too” from The Roots’ Things Fall Apart.
Hardwork Movement is the collaboration between local hip-hop scenesters and longtime friends Sterling Duns, Jeremy Keys, RB Ricks, and Rick Banks. On “Spun,” they get down with dreamy production, airy synthesizer arrangements, and instrumental nuances like the sampled chimes of baoding balls, all set to a jogging beat and sleek vocal harmonies on the hook: “You got me twistin’, you got me turnin’, and I don’t know which way is up.”
Listen to it below, and see Hardwork Movement live this Thursday, January 7th when they play Kung Fu Necktie. Tickets and more info on the show can be found at the XPN Concert Calendar.