Air is Human | photo by Kara Khan from Popuppolaroid
Air is Human complete seasons project with SO2
Air is Human marked the final seasonal change of 2015 with the final installment in their year-long EP concept series. Solstice 2 pays tribute to the winter solstice and comes after accompanying tributes to the summer equinox, summer solstice and winter equinox.
Before they released Solstice 2 this week, Air is Human posted a picture of themselves holding a microphone up to a sausage link sizzling on the stove. That sample opens lead track “The Hatchet” and sets up the album to be a commingling of warm, textural sounds crashing against metallic electronic synths. The balance and adjustment of coldness and heat play against each other throughout the songs, finally reconciling in the uptempo third part of “Burial (Ascension).”
Listen to SO2 below and revisit the other seasonal EPs here.