Grayling | photo by Kim Woodcock | courtesy of the artist
Listen to Grayling’s debut EP Everything That Burns
Lexi Campion’s Grayling released her debut EP with NDE Records Everything That Burns this week, and you can listen to a stream of the entire thing via The Fader.
The first taste we got from Grayling was “Bidding War”, a slice of emo-pop that channeled St. Vincent as well as Circa Survive. Campion, who used to drum for indie rockers Edelweiss, takes powerful/experimental guitar music and gives it an extremely personal edge. Campion said of her new EP:
“It came from a place of urgency to create an honest representation of myself as a writer. I had played drums in a band previously, so this project was a bit of a personal challenge to see what I could accomplish on my own, and my producer and engineer, Evan Rudenjack, helped me bring the songs to life. Everything That Burns has been a passion project for me and I am so excited to share the result!” (The Fader)
Grayling performs tonight at Blockbuster in Philadelphia for Amplefest. For more information, check out the link here.
Stream Grayling’s Everything That Burns in full below.