Nothing | photo by Ben Rayner | courtesy of the artist

As if three singles were not enough, Nothing has blessed us with yet another track from their forthcoming sophomore full-length on Relapse Records, Tired of Tomorrow. “The Dead Are Dumb” is the Philly natives’ fourth single off the new album, and it offers a nice changeup from its predecessors.

The song dials things back a bit with a more lulling sound, but still gives us the vintage shoegaze Nothing consistently delivered on 2014’s Guilty of Everything. It’s not as heavy as “Vertigo Flowers,” “Eaten By Worms” or “A.C.D. (Abcessive Compulsive Disorder)” — the guitars take a backseat to the cymbals in a reflective chorus — but ­the lighter tone hints that the new record should be diverse.

With just a about two weeks until the May 13th release of Tired Of Tomorrow, this is probably the last glimpse into the album before we get to hear it in full. Take a listen to “The Dead Are Dumb” below, and head to the WXPN Concert Calendar to get all the details on Nothing’s July 8th album release show at Union Transfer.

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