Weyes Blood | photo by Scott Troyan | scotttroyan.com | courtesy of the artist
Bowerbird and Sebastian Petsu’s Double Decker Music series announces Summer 2016 line-up
Back in March, we shared Bowerbird and Sebastian Petsu‘s open call for artists to perform for their Double Decker Music Series, which involves musicians playing on a double decker bus that drives around Philadelphia. Very cool. Today, we have the organization’s line-up for the Summer of 2016.
Shows will be held on the last Sunday of every month during the summer. Here’s the full list and dates for the organization’s Double Decker Music Series:
Sunday, May 22nd: Jesse Sparhawk & Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste
Sunday, June 26th: Neil Feather & Nyfolt
Sunday, July 31st: Moor Mother & Outside Outsiders (D. Hotep and Kevin Diehl)
Sunday, August 28th: Vessna Scheff + Koofreh Umoren & JNPR
Sunday, September 18th: Emily Bate & Kilamanzego
Watch an awesome promo video/show announcement for the Summer concert series below. To purchase tickets for this unique experience or check out pictures from last year’s event, follow the link here.