Nothing | photo by Ben Rayner | courtesy of the artist

The day has finally come for Philly shoegaze punks Nothing to release their third full-length Tired Of Tomorrow. There have been several singles, and we’ve shared with you some their mini-doc series. On Thursday they released the sixth and final episode of the series via The Deli. And the record is out today.

There are some positives in the new episode, like the fact that they are on their way to sign a new contract with Relapse Records. But there are negatives too, like how much tequila they had the night before. Watch below:

Plus, episode five was released just last week, in which the Martin Shkreli debacle heats up:

Before that, The Deli revealed episode four, which contains a look into the expectations for the new album — plus a  “cringeworthy” ending:

With both the documentary and album released, all eyes in Philly are on the calendar — July 8th to be exact. That’s when Nothing will play their record release show with Citizen, Culture Abuse, and Mary Lattimore & Jeff Zeigler. Head to the XPN Concert Calendar for all the details.