Dylan Le Blanc | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com

Dylan LeBlanc and his band walked out onto the World Cafe Live stage for Friday’s WXPN Free At Noon Concert, greeted by a thick crowd hungry for the singer-songwriter’s Louisiana-born country rock. But before a single note was played, LeBlanc ran off the stage, only to return with a few bagels in hand. He launched the breaded discs into the audience.

“We’re running on four hours of sleep, but we’re ready to party,”

LeBlanc shouts.

If the bagels weren’t enough to qualify Friday’s gathering as a party, LeBlanc’s music sure was. Dominated by songs from his latest LP Cautionary Tale, released in January, the set put on by LeBlanc and his five backing band members was a smooth and balanced blend of folk-like southern tunes and classic rock ‘n roll jams.

Dylan Le Blanc | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com

The faithful of World Cafe Live took to LeBlanc well. When he changed a rhyming lyric of “Look How Far We’ve Come” to seamlessly add the phrase “World Cafe,” they supplied an approving hoot. When he forgot to move his capo and had to give one song a second try, they gave a supportive cheer at its restart. After eight numbers, the people were hungry for more. LeBlanc had no choice but to answer the calls for him to grace the stage a little while longer.

“I did not expect you guys to call me out for an encore,” he said.

LeBlanc returned solo, going old school by playing two songs from his 2010 debut Paupers Field. Then to conclude, he asked for requests. One familiar fan shouted a favorite, and he said any song but that one. After no suggestions followed, he capped the afternoon’s performance with a Led Zeppelin cover. “Going To California” a la Dylan LeBlanc was just what these Free At Noon attendees needed. A three course meal of Cautionary Tale, some Zeppelin, and of course, bagels to start, had satisfied their lunch time appetites.

Dylan LeBlanc 6.17.16

I’m Moving On
I’m Moving On
Roll The Dice
Look How Far We’ve Come
A Man Like Me
Part One The End
Beyond The Veil
Easy Way Out
Cautionary Tale


If The Creek Don’t Rise
Emma Hartley
Going To California (Led Zeppelin cover)