Tentative Plans | photo by Eric Blitz

Cait Kellagher and Chris Caulder were two people on two completely different paths. Now, they’re the musical duo that is Tentative Plans. And what do they have to thank for such a drastic change? Craigslist.

The two met online when they were both in search of a roommate. When they met up in person, Kellagher and Caulder realized their musical connection was two strong to ignore — they both shared influences like Azure Ray, Half Moon Run, Noah Gunderson, and Nirvana. With Kellagher on keys and vocals, and Caulder serving as a multi-instrumentalist, the duo began work on a debut EP.

The same house where their domestic partnership started is where Tentative Plans went to work on its music. Late-night talks and obsessions with film have been the spark to their creative impulses. And now, the result of all that work and 3 a.m. epiphanies has come to fruition. We are very excited to premiere the EP #1 from Tentative Plans.

Caulder tells The Key this EP is the combination of “atmospheric guitars and electronic beats with angelic vocals and unique vocal harmonies,” which back lyrics that “tell stories of loss and betrayal while leaving a subtle trail of hope and humor.” Just take a look at the names of these six songs and that kind of theme is hard to miss.

“Ghost” gets the EP started with a slow introduction to Kellagher’s voice — and it lives up to Caulder’s claim of “angelic.” “Alternate Ending” follows with a beautifully acoustic rendition of only guitar and harmonies. The cute pop beats of “Say Goodbye” and “This Is Not The End” add a happy tone to sad songs. Anger oozes from “Leave,” while final track “I Wanted To Stay” is a somber reflection on everything Kellagher has been singing about on the preceding songs.

The name of the group stems from the fact that nothing ever goes according to plan, and the duo themselves couldn’t be a better living example. What started as a search for a roommate has become a musical act with a bright future ahead. Hop on the bandwagon now and listen to the debut EP from Tentative Plans below.