GrandeMarshall | photo courtesy of the artist
Hang out in North Philly with GrandeMarshall in “Never Change”
“Never Change,” a standout track from GrandeMarshall‘s Fools Gold debut My Brother’s Keeper, gets the video treatment in a new clip shared this week. The Philadelphia-based rapper takes us around his North Philly neighborhood, stopping in at a barbershop, sitting on a stoop and riding around in a cab before hitting his local bar for a send-off drink.
The video is understated and direct, just like his lyrics. Despite the record deal and some high-profile gigs (not to mention a 2013 appearance on BET), Grande isn’t trying to present a life more glamorous or flashy than it really is; rather, as he reflects in his rhymes, he is who he is and he’ll “never change.”
That approach to delivery, songwriting and production was especially apparent when Grande stopped by for Key Studio Session earlier this year, performing tracks from last year’s debut backed by DJ Bear One. As The Key’s John Vettese wrote at the time, Grande’s “lyrics [are] a little bit braggadocio, a little bit introspective. They don’t go for the throat as much as they put their hand on your shoulder, look you dead in the eye and tell you how things are going to be.”
GrandeMarshall joins D.R.A.M., Xavier Omar and Aime at the July 21st Red Bull Sound Select show at The Foundry; more information can be found here. Watch “Never Change” below.