Mannequin Pussy | photo by John Vettese for WXPN

Philly thrashers Mannequin Pussy have been teasing songs from their new LP at gigs all around Philly for the better part of the year; and at last, details are in place. The band announced last week that Romantic will be available on Tiny Engines records on October 28th, and gave us a pretty kickass song to tide us over for the next two months.

“Emotional High” is a glorious heaping of heavy guitar riffs, hammering drumbeats and snarling vocals from frontwoman Marisa Dabice. She’s got a total Donita Sparks delivery, and the song finds her navigating the heavy feelings of tight friendships. It’s an ode to love and loyalty and is also only a minute and 27 seconds long, meaning the below Bandcamp player is not only an ideal use of your time on this fine afternoon, but on many afternoons to come — you’ll be able to click play on that jawn so many times between now and October 28th, and we recommend doing just that.

Mannequin Pussy’s next Philly gig is September 18th at The Storefront with Upset and Mumblr (details here via Facebook); they also play PhilaMOCA on September 30th with All Dogs (information at the XPN Concert Calendar). You can pre-order Romantic via Tiny Engines here.