Power Animal | photo by Mac Whalen | via facebook.com/pwranml

Power Animal is a project we’ve come to know and love over the years, ever since Keith Hampson and his then-full band released People Songs back in 2010. Things have shifted a bit in the years since and now Hampson works primarily solo, but he still knows when to pull in collaborators that will enhance his textural electronic pop songs. The latest example of this is “3 Months And a Week” featuring Eskimeaux.

Hampson tells us he wrote the song around four years ago while laid up in a hospital bed recovering from a torn esophagus. Revisiting it more recently, the local musician called up former Philadelphia resident Gabrielle Smith to lend her vocals to the track, as well as a sample of “For Power Animal” from her 2015 record Two Mountains.

The combination of the disorienting samples, Smith’s comforting vocals and Hampson’s lyrics about his experience will send a pit straight to your stomach. It’s a truly haunting song of loneliness, fear and the bits of light we grasp onto when we feel most out of control.

Listen to the single below and download via Bandcamp here.