New Music Show Preview w/ The Pixies, Temples and more!
Tonight, we get a chance to unwrap some highly anticipated new releases. 22, A Million is an ambitious new album from Bon Iver. He’s got his fans and his detractors. We’ll see if we can find some middle ground tonight. Also, for the first time in a long time, Bob Weir has a new solo album. We’ll hear what is sounds like when a member of the Grateful Dead teams up with members of The National and Josh Ritter. Plus, a classic alternative band has a new offering, a much-hyped young British band return with their sophomore effort and we have a new First Impression artist as well …
“Classic Masher” by THE PIXIES
When it comes to The Pixies it’s hard to ignore the footprint they’ve laid in the world of alternative music. They’ve influenced countless bands and earned a loyal fan base. That’s part of the reason why any hint at a new record draws so much interest. With Head Carrier, their follow-up to the 2014 comeback album Indie Cindy, the band offers those fans the sonic hallmarks of the early days but in a livelier setting as you can hear on “Classic Masher”
“Certainty” by TEMPLES
You might remember this young British four-piece from a few years back. Songs like “Mesmerise” and “Shelter Song” went straight from the bedrooms in which they were recorded to radios around the world fairly quickly. And with that the pressure for the follow-up was on. “Certainty” is our first appetizer to what the band’s been working on and it’s certainly a trip into a more psychedelic direction. See what you think of this new one.
First Impression Artist: FIL BO RIVA
An interesting backstory follows this week’s First Impression Artist. Meet Fil Bo Riva. At 23 years old, he grew up in Rome but spent time living in Ireland as well. Dublin to be exact. About 4 years ago, he moved to Berlin and within a couple years living there he dropped out of college and pursued music full-time. Comparisons to an artist like Hozier are inevitable, but with more grit and some anger to his music. If You’re Right, It’s Aright is his first EP. We’ll dive in tonight …
Plus – check out our XPN Best New Music Playlist on Spotify: