Well, folks, we’re eight days into the XPN A To Z and we’ve yet to hit the middle of the alphabet (as of this writing we’re up to the letter “J”), and the song “Jennifer Juniper” by Donovan is playing. We’ve reached the 2000 plus not one-song-repeated point, with The Beatles leading the most amount of songs in the A to Z so far.

We’ve gotten lots of (mostly) great feedback so far, especially as we’re following the conversation in the hundreds of tweets on the @wxpnfm twitter. It’s been fun seeing all the “next song” guesses. But it’s equally as fun reading the tweets from folks about what songs we missed at #missedsongsXPNAtoZ. One of our followers started to tweet that, and we’ve embraced it and are hoping you do let us know what we “missed.”

I said at the start of the countdown that the list of songs was curated from many – not all, or every – of the songs we have in the XPN library, from our special programming features and our specialty shows over the years. So yes, we’ve “missed” some songs (hello “Bridge Over Troubled Water”), however we’re making sure we curate a listening experience that draws on the XPN sound (hard to define) that reflects our own unique take of over 50 years of contemporary popular music, and to broaden that take, and to make it fun. Hopefully we are achieving that for most of you.

Now, to the missing songs: Based on your suggestions on social media, we decided to start a Spotify playlist of them, that you can listen to below. Some of you are asking if we’ll play these songs on the radio after we play the final song in the A to Z. To that I say maybe. You’ll just have to listen until the final Z to find out. But in the meantime, dig into the #missedsongsXPNAtoZ playlist below. And please subscribe to it, as we’re pretty sure there will be at least one more missed song.