Circa Survive | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Circa Survive share new b-sides amidst On Letting Go 10th Anniversary Tour
Circa Survive | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Doylestown post-hardcore act Circa Surive are currently on tour celebrating the tenth anniversary of On Letting Go, their sophomore record. It included a stop at The Fillmore last week with Turnover and mewithoutYou. Now, they’ve shared a new pair of b-sides on their Bandcamp page, “1000 Witnesses” and “The Most Dangerous Commercials.”
If you’ve been a fan of Circa Survive up to now, neither of these songs should come as too much of a surprise — which is to say, they’re big and bold, the arrangements are winding and the dramatic, the vocals soar, and the drums pummel you like a machine gun. You can stream both tracks below.