Lend us your ears, and we’ll play some New Music Tonight! Including Conor Oberst, Middle Kids and more!
Conor Oberst | photo by Tony Bonacci | courtesy of the artist
What should we play first? New Spoon? Arcade Fire? Ryan Adams? The good news is we have new music from all of those folks … and more. Ryan unveiled yet another new song from his forthcoming Prisoner album and as you might surmise – it’s great. Arcade Fire surprised us not only with a brand new song, but a one of a kind collaboration. The indie-rock superstars welcome a legendary voice, Mavis Staples, to their new offering. And we’ll definitely spin “Hot Thoughts”, the undeniable new tune from Spoon. Join us at 8pm tonight as we’ve got plenty more to fill up our two hours tonight, including …
CONOR OBERST “A Little Uncanny”
From Ruminations to Salutations, here’s Conor Oberst. The Bright Eyes brainchild is re-offering up a collection of song in a repurposed setting. A few months ago he released Ruminations which was pretty much an album of demo style songs. It many ways it was more of a blueprint, a totally bare bones album. And now we know why. Salutations is that same collection of songs, but … well … for lack of a better description, it’s finished! Backed up by the Felice Brothers and Jim Keltner (on drums) it totally comes to life. Take a listen!
MIDDLE KIDS “Never Start”
We first discovered this band last year, and in fact they’ve only been playing together for about a year now. Their impact was immediate though. The Australian three piece, Middle Kids, have a natural amicability. And it starts with Hannah Joy the charming frontman of the band and guiding voice. This February, Middle Kids will release their first EP (self-titled) and March 29th they’ll be at Boot and Saddle down in Broad Street in Philly. Here’s a brand new one from their upcoming EP, dig it!
Ok, so sometimes our First Impression artist isn’t someone totally new, but rather someone that might be new to the larger masses. And someone who if you haven’t heard, you should. That is most definitely the case for Rose Cousins. The Canadian singer-songwriter released her first full album back in 2006, but outside of Canada she’s still a new voice. Hopefully her new album Natural Conclusion (coming out on February 3rd) changes that. It is wonderfully (we stress that) produced by Joe Henry. For some, you may draw comparisons to early Patty Griffin, which … hey, ain’t bad. It’s a beautiful and powerful singer-songwriter record that we’ll put our ears to tonight.
If you miss anything on the show or want to keep up on new music, make sure to subscribe to our ‘XPN Best New Music’ Playlist on Spotify: