Butch Trucks at the Atlanta Pop Festival, 1970 | photo by David Chamberlain via allmanbrothersband.com

Butch Trucks, the founding drummer of southern rock icons Allman Brothers Band, has died. Rolling Stone reported his passing, confirmed by Page Stallings, Trucks’ booking agent; the cause of his death is currently unknown. He was 69 years old.

Born in Jacksonville, Florida in 1947, Trucks co-founded The Allman Brothers with Gregg and Duane Allman in 1968, along with guitarist Dickey Betts, Berry Oakley on bass, and fellow drummer Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson.

Along with his Jaimoe, Trucks was selected one of the 100 Greatest Drummers of All Time by Rolling Stone writing:

Allman Brothers Band drummers Butch Trucks and Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson have been inseparable since the group’s inception, powering everything from the intricate rhythms of the iconic “Whipping Post” to subtle workouts like their rendition of Muddy Waters’ “Trouble No More.” Jaimoe’s pedigree as a Sixties soul drummer with the likes of Otis Redding meshes with Trucks’ bluesy, rock-steady pulse to form a syncopated beat-logic all their own.

Trucks has been performing with his own band, Butch Trucks and The Freight Train Band and had several scheduled appearances in our area at Ardmore Music Hall and at Steelstacks in Bethlehem. Trucks’ nephew is Derek Trucks, who occasionally performed with The Allman Brothers. Our thoughts go out to the surviving members of Butch’s family and friends. Below, watch a live performance of The Allman Brothers from the Fillmore East in 1970.