Kate Dressed Up | photo by Dova Photography | via Facebook

New Jersey native Katie Miller has been recording as Kate Dressed Up for a little over a year now, but she already has two EPs under her belt. The latest is this month’s Destinations, which gets an official release Sunday night in New Brunswick.

The three-song album paints Miller as a thoughtful, soft-spoken songwriter who draws inspiration from little everyday moments. This is especially true on middle track “South Street,” a downtempo meditation that follows her on a walk past the bustling, vibrant stores lining the popular street. A dip into a book store draws out one of several poignant observations Katie weaves into her lyrics, leaving us to reflect on the line “How beautiful to love, and how lucky” on our own.

Kate Dressed Up celebrates the release of Destinations at Scarlet Pub in New Brunswick on February 12th; more information can be found here. Stream “South Street” below.