lowercase roses | photo by Scott Troyan | via lowercaseroses.bandcamp.com

Cleveland-turned-Philly dweller, Matt Scheuermann, makes intimate, Elliot Smith-esque bedroom pop under the moniker, Lowercase Roses. With only a three-track self-titled EP available from 2014, he recently dropped a new EP called Surgical Pop, which you can stream below.

“Dead Animals in America” opens the EP in both heavy and light by playing to contrasting textures of eerie sparkly-ness and dark, foreboding jaggedness. “Oliver” then floats in a dreamy atmosphere of echoing piano, until crashing into chaos while throwing nods to the EP’s namesake, and fading out in an acoustic jolt.

“Traveling Salespeople” then materializes as a hazy nightmare of a dream, while “Hymn” plays out on soundscape of ongoing fuzz, and  “Water and Wind” aches as a stripped folk ballad reminiscent of Fleet Foxes — tethered together with Scheuermann’s traveling vocals and a few sparse strums.

All proceeds from the EP will go to the Attic Youth Center, so give what you can, then listen on in somber peacefulness to Lowercase Roses’ Surgical Pop below.