Cabbage | photo by Sky Lerb | via

Pros of the Philly basement scene, Cabbage deliver the kind of delightful grunge-pop full of energetic hooks and introspective lyricism that makes local DIY bands so fun to listen to. The three-piece is back with their first EP, Crab Bag, after releasing a set of demos and a split with Oxblood last year. The leafy green-inspired band, while bred in the local scene, creates upbeat songs that call a variety of influences to mind — Cabbage may be at home in a West Philly basement (or a batting cage or whatever innovative venue this city cooks up next), but their chill and effortless sound could easily come from the laid-back West Coast or straight out of a 90s garage.

The Crab Bag EP is four tracks strong, anchored by Beth Millers poignant yet blasé vocals over fuzzed-out guitar. The band also features Zoe Talkin on bass and Steve Darling on drums, and just by listening to Cabbage’s new songs you can tell that the trio has grown into a cohesive force of of powerful sound. The EP is concise but not without getting Cabbage’s point across — each song packs an honest punch that will have you nodding or even jumping along, rooting for the narrator. From the punk-tinged lead track “Quit” (“don’t wanna work for you / got better things to do / I’m sick of wasting my time”) to the brooding “Jeopardy” (“time moves forwards / I’m just trying to get out of town”), Crab Bag is peppered with candid moments that capture the band’s astute grasp on songwriting driven by memorable melodies that will leave you wanting more. DIY bands may come and go, but we sure hope Cabbage sticks around.

Stream the EP via Bandcamp below.