RFA | photo by Dylan Eddinger | dylaneddingerphoto.squarespace.com

Philly rock faves RFA headlined PhilaMOCA Saturday night; it was their first show in Philly in a few months and, needless to say, the crowd missed these guys.

Dan Cousart, Brendan McHale, Alec Powell, and Christian Turzo have been consistent key members of RFA for the last four years, and the band received the warmest of welcomes back home after a long summer and fall on the road. They played a killer set, featuring both old favorites and new songs to love. “Suzie Lee,” “Teenage Love Song,” and “Freaking Out,” all made appearances, along with a soon-to-be-officially-released single, “Down Your Street.” (Watch the band perform it for Out Of Town Films here.)

RFA has been touring the east coast, and have plans to hit the road again with The Double Negatives for a national tour. They’re also in the process of recording their first full-length album in the works, with a release planned for March.

Opener Ritual Talk from New York easily warmed up the crowd with their swirling indie beats and jumpy guitars. Followed by Rent Party from Maryland, the vibe quickly shifted to a heavy, classic rock and roll feel, perfect to set the stage for RFA.

Check out photos from the show below, along with the band covering “Wild Thing” by The Troggs.