Boogieman Dela wants you to look within on the Rolled Gold-produced “Mirror Mirror”
Boogieman Dela wants you to look within on the Rolled Gold-produced “Mirror Mirror”
Boogieman Dela | photo via boogiemandela.com
The new single from Philly rapper Boogieman Dela is reminiscent of the haunting, cinematic 70s soul style that implies the artist is about to drop some heavy knowledge on you. With lyrics like “That fear is only in your mind / Stop acting so shook / The recipe right there / all you gotta do is go cook,” I’d argue that “Mirror Mirror” fits the bill.
The song is from his upcoming EP Broken Watch 02: Future Currents, and was produced by Philly’s Rolled Gold, who accomplishes a smooth blend of electric guitar riffs, heavy bass, and tinkering synths. The full EP which is part of a series is set to drop on April 22nd. You can preorder the EP here. In the meantime, stream the single down below.