Thin Lips | photo by Scott Troyan | via

Even if the exact details of this news are still a little fuzzy, it’s great news nonetheless: Thin Lips appears to be releasing something in the very near future. It’s been two years since the Philly power punk trio lead by Chrissy Tashjian released its last full-length, Riff Hard, but they’ve since kept busy with lots of touring (for Tashjian, that includes touring in Hop Along), plenty of local shows, and a Shaking Through session.

Now, we have reason to believe that new tunes may be on their way. This afternoon, Lame-O Records posted something on its social media accounts that caught our attention. It’s a video clip, and it’s only a minute long, but it seems like it just may be a snippet of a new Thin Lips song. Thin Lips shared the video, too, writing simply, “Things are about to pop off!!!” Fine with us.

Technically, tentative news of a new Thin Lips record doesn’t come as too much of a surprise — last month the band wrote on Facebook, “Album is done, artwork is finished, tour dates are set. Can’t wait for y’all to hear our new jams!” We can’t wait, either.

If the video is any indication (and it almost certainly is, since the date “July 27” pops up at the end), we’ll be hearing those new jams before the summer is over. The clip opens up with a spoken word recording of Tashjian describing the importance of community and acceptance before the band kicks in and the words “Chosen Family” appear. Hm, “Chosen Family”… that seems … like it could … be … a really good album title…

Thin Lips opens the sold out Japandroids show at Boot & Saddle on July 24. Watch the teaser video below and stay tuned for more news.