Earthboy | via

The first time I caught an Earthboy set was last January at now-retired venue The Sound Hole, along with local basement scene favorites Family Volleyball and Joy Again. I was captivated, fighting to listen beneath a rising chatter and the aluminum crunch of beer cans underfoot. Earthboy’s sound has only gotten tighter with their latest double release, “Bandaid + Chaser.”

“Bandaid” coordinates wacky chord changes, spacey synths, Nat Hilton’s rambling stream-of-conscious vocals, and lyrics spliced with vivid detail. “Chaser” is slower, the lyrics more meditative, the refrain shruggingly passive: “I don’t even know if I need friends / I don’t know.” Wiry basslines and arpeggiating guitar riffs cushion journalistic wonderings.

Stream the new singles below.