Little Strike | photo by Natalie Piserchio |

Tamar Dart, aka Little Strike, has just released a new single, “Loaded Gun,” and it sounds as though it was drawn from a Gabriel García Márquez novel. Dart’s captivating, breathy vocals drive the song, acoustic guitar accompanied by a doleful trumpet melody. She included found sounds from a trip to Ecuador, creating an atmosphere of mysticism and wonder. The song explores the interconnected energies of the universe.

The context is complicated and magical, as revealed by the artist in a Facebook post:

I played this song for the first time to my ex and 3 hours later they broke up with me. It was the craziest day of my life for so many reasons. It involved a series of coincidences including a prophetic dream & an angelic Uber driver — it changed my brain and allowed me to see more patterns, more connection.

Little Strike has a record release show tomorrow, November 16, at Creep Records. Find more info here. Listen to the single below.