Honeytiger | photo by Rachel Del Sordo | via facebook.com/honeytigerband

Philly rock and roll two-piece Honeytiger got in on the holiday music action this week with a new Christmas original called “He’ll Eat Your Cookies (Santa Is A Freaky Boy).” Over three and a half minutes of downbeat Strokes-esque swagger, the band reflects on one of the more bizarre components of the Christmas tradition — leaving cookies and milk out for a dude who breaks into your house bearing presents — and imagines what might happen if these demands are not met. 

“Santa doesn’t fuck around,” croons singer-guitarist Isaac Clark. “Better leave those cookies out or he’ll trash your fuckin’ house.”

Dang. Take a listen below. Honeytiger plays Rowan University on January 25th with Kate Dressed Up, Dominy, and Lowecase People. Tickets and more information on the show can be found here.