Another Hospital | photo courtesy of the artist

Another Hospital is a Philly-born experimental indie-rock five-piece who joined the city’s alternative music scene with their debut, The EP for Other People’s Birthdays, in 2016. In the time since, they’ve released two EPs and a single, and last week their first full album Oh Lord, Oh Brother, Oh Baby, hit the internet via Nap Time Records.

Another Hospital’s new LP is a blend of disparate musical experiments colliding over the course of ten songs. The spacey, two-minute long instrumental “The Stars in Your Eyes” is the perfect introduction to the record; tracks three and four, “‘Keep Score'” and “…Says the Scorekeeper”, are clearly connected. One leads into the other seamlessly as both crescendo into electrifying head-bangers. “Snow” is on the slower side of synth-heavy psychedelia and “Metropolitik” concludes the record with an eerie piano melody that dissolves into beautiful chaos.

Another Hospital’s LP Oh Lord, Oh Brother, Oh Baby is available now on all streaming services. Check out “‘Keep Score'” below.