Local musician Andrew Mars just released their newest recording as Settled Arrows. DREAMER is a collection of songs from early in the artist’s career that they’ve worked hard to finally release for the first time. Mars appears as the sole musician on the recording and sings, plays piano, and experiments with sounds on each of its six songs.

“I began writing this music when I was 17,” Mars shares. “I got nervous about these songs and erased the first recording of it back then. In my 20s, I recorded them again with 2 engineers who had a falling out and one erased the hard drive and moved to Kansas. This is my third attempt at recording this material. The songs have matured and still seem timely. I am closing a huge cycle in my life by releasing this.”

Listen below and stream and purchase the album via Bandcamp. Settled Arrows worked with Peter Richan and Ezra Faust of Buckeye Recording to engineer the project. They dedicate DREAMER to a friend who passed away recently.