Marissa Paternoster of New Jersey faves Screaming Females has collaborated Joe Steinhardt, the founder of Don Giovanni Records, on the new graphic novel Merriment. Written by Steinhardt and illustrated by Paternoster, Merriment follows the character Mack on her quest to find happiness despite roadblocks ranging from existential dread to real-life dread.

According to the book’s blurb:

Mack is having a hard time adjusting to life in New Jersey and the realization that she may never be able to afford to live in New York City ever again. It’s hard for anyone to be happy these days though, a fact her mother will not let her forget. And what’s worse: she thinks she might have committed a murder. And that maybe, just maybe, the FBI is spying on her?

Paternoster and Steinhardt are self-publishing the book, and have been raising funds on Kickstarter to help cover the costs of printing, publishing and production. They’ve already surpassed the $5000 goal, but the campaign is open until March 20. A $20 pledge gets you a copy of the finished book. Read more about the project and see some scenes from the book here.