Kingsley Ibeneche’s latest single, “My Freedom,” which came out in early June, now has an accompanying music video. In the video, animated by Sin Weng, a rotoscopic form of Ibeneche emerges from a blooming sunflower, and gracefully dances through a gorgeous scene of plants and animals. Like the song itself, the video is uplifting, vibrant, and life-affirming.

In the instrumental outro of the three minute track, words scroll across the screen. Ibeneche writes:

“We dedicate this video to those that have lost their lives to the failed, systemically racist, and capitalistic system that is the United States of America. A country built on stolen land by stepping on the backs of the colonized, with racism deeply rooted in its culture. We remember them, and the unjust treatment that black and brown folks face every day. Their essence and spirit lives within all of us…

This is a call to action. Black lives matter, black lives along the gender spectrum matter, black queer and trans lives matter, ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. This intolerance has perpetuated the system for far too long. Allyship is important, now more than ever and there is strength in numbers and unity. We give ourselves to the cause, and are working towards a world free of black oppression.”

“My Freedom” was released on Astro Nautico as part of their Atlantics X campaign, a relief fund for artists who have faced financial issues due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch Kingsley Ibeneche’s “My Freedom” below, and purchase the song here. Donate to Astro Nautico’s Atlantics X Artists’ Relief Fund here.