In a surprising turn of events (in a year already chock full of unforeseen twists), five veteran players in the punk scene have teamed up to cover Annie Lennox’s “Walking On Broken Glass.” The supergroup — dubbed the “Adult-Contemporary Avengers” — includes Murder By Death’s Adam Turla, The Distillers Brody Dalle, My Chemical Romance’s Frank Iero, Thursday’s Tucker Rule, and GG Guerra from Soul Glo.

Produced by Two Minutes To Late Night, “the world’s only heavy metal-themed talk show,” the cover morphs the former Eurythmics singer’s 1992 hit from a string-heavy pop jam to a no-holds barred punk affair. Turla and Dalle take the vocal lead, while Iero and Guerra play guitar and bass, and Rule rocks out on drums. As far as covers go, this is probably the best way to breathe new life into a song from 30 years ago.

Check out the Key’s coverage of Soul Glo’s latest EP, Songs To Yeet At The Sun, here. Check out the punk cover of Annie Lennox’s “Walking On Broken Glass” below, and subscribe to Two Minutes To Late Night’s Patreon here.