Although LAVA Space is getting the most out of their roof with the LAVA Broken Roof Sessions, it’s not something that can continue for much longer. It currently serves as the stage for monthly video sessions to raise funds which are critical to getting the West Philly community space repaired so that it can be up and running when the pandemic permits gatherings again. Typically LAVA hosts live music, organizing events and food and clothing distribution, but with roof, window, and wall leaks, its future has been less certain, and the series hopes to insure it continues being a space for the community.

For the latest Broken Roof Sessions, producer and artist G’Tayah Archie, who performs under TCG BeatZ, brought both a smooth and a fiery energy to the roof. BeatZ is a long-time member of LAVA and now runs the recording studio Diverse Entertainment, which finds its home on the building’s third floor.

At the opening of her performance, she spoke about how LAVA has been apart of her life:

“If you guys haven’t heard, there’s a lot of great things going on around here, a lot of good organizations. This place has been around for years, and that’s saying something. It’s been around since I was younger, I’d say around 18 or 20 years now, so come over here and check out the really, really free market and a bunch of the other organizations that come and contribute to this neighborhood in a positive manner, and it definitely helped me and my positive endeavors too. Even coming back here was the best thing I ever could have done; they helped me graduate high school and I always got to give a shout out for that. Always and forever because this neighborhood is crazy and everybody has their own crazy neighborhood, so I really appreciate LAVA, they’ve definitely come through to Diverse Entertainment Studios here for music— free music—Diverse Entertainment says it all so that means all types of music come through.

BeatZ’s performed the R&B-flavored “Leave Me Alone” and the hip-hop cut “I Want All of It,” which she says “embodies everything that I do even here at Diverse Entertainment and LAVA.” Her liveliness displayed a special air of enthusiasm, playing off of the importance that LAVA has for many individuals in the community. 

Check out the full performance below, and donate to LAVA’s GoFundMe.