You may have noticed that Dan Cousart made his debut solo release earlier this month. If that release left you eager for more, don’t worry: Cousart quickly followed up the song with his second solo single, “Sheep.”

This two-song release is aesthetically similar to the last: still clean and still effortlessly cool. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that that means it’s all one-note. This release only builds out from what Cousart has already established.

The first song, “Sheep,” hits you from its start. A short intro immediately gives way to hard drums and guitar rhythmically punching through. Cousart comes in then, his voice tense and powerful.

The second song, “Myna,” goes to the polar opposite end of the spectrum. It’s simple, featuring nothing but an acoustic guitar, a tambourine, and Cousart’s languid vocals, only breaking up the acoustic sound with a laid-back surf guitar-esque solo.

Listen to the release below and be sure to follow Cousart on his Facebook page to prepare for his debut EP, out everywhere on March 1.