“If everything you write about your life turns out to come true, well you better settle in there, the way I write about you,” sings Philly musician Lauren Davish in her latest single “Right About You.” 

“Right About You” is Davish’s second single, an old track dug up by her and her partner Matt Vantine and turned into an indie-folk, dream-pop tune. With Davish’s expressive vocals delivered with cheerful, bright melodies and companion harmonies, the latest track produces a sense of warmth encapsulated by its optimistic lyrics. 

Davish spoke more about the track via email:

“The lyrics are about the idea that when you write things down, they often come true – some kind of play on the idea of manifestation. As a writer, I’ve always believed that words – especially written words – can create our reality. In the subject of this song, the speaker believes that they have the power to create the unattainable subject’s reality, (‘the way I write about you’) although the feelings are still strongly there, hence the play on words (‘right about you’) by the end.”

Listen to “Right About You” below.