When talking about covers, they usually fall into one of three categories: They live up to the original, they don’t live up to the original, or they surpass the original. Madison McFerrin‘s cover of Radiohead’s “Everything In Its Right Place” falls into a rare fourth category: Taking on a life of its own.

Recorded as a video for the nonprofit organization Sounds of Saving, McFerrin’s rendition of the Radiohead song is perhaps even more haunting than the already incredibly atmospheric original version. The only sound used in McFerrin’s performance is her own voice. She loops her vocals over and over again until they form into a dense whirlwind. It continues to build until, finally at the end, she is left with a cacophony of sound that stretches on for what seems to be an eternity.

Since Sounds of Saving’s mission deals with lowering the suicide rate in the United States, McFerrin takes some time at the beginning of the video to talk about the importance of mental health, specifically for Black Americans. Reflecting on her own experience, McFerrin explains the importance of “Everything In Its Right Place” and music in general in her own journey.

Music and performing live is one way that I deal with a lot of stress. I thrive off of going to live shows; it’s an incredibly spiritual experience for me. There are times when that’s really the only medicine.

Watch McFerrin’s performance below and be sure to follow McFerrin on social media. You can learn more about Sounds of Saving on their website.