The newest single from Pine Barons is nothing short of dreamlike. “Summer One” is stirring yet comforting, driven by a playful bassline and using twinkling synth plucks to accompany Keith Abrams’s exploration into the act of introspection.

In short, for fans of dreampop and overthinking, this one’s for you.

The Philly-based indie rock act has continued releasing new singles throughout this year, showing time and time again that their inclination for psychedelia knows no end, which appropriately peeks through the duration of “Summer One.” This is in spite of moments of minimalism, punctuating larger concepts and sonic ideas with more clean, distinctive bits and bobs. This contrast aids in the song’s overall narrative, with lyrics like “You were happy to see me” creating a bittersweet sense of remembrance that stuns the listener, most perfectly emphasized by vast, hazy chords and a steadily reverberating drum pattern.

With this poignant style of consistency alongside a smooth, passionate vocal delivery from Abrams, this single bodes very well for the future of Pine Barons – whatever that may be.

Pine Barons - Summer One